The Programme for transforming Organisational Leadership in the age of rapid change and unprecedented demands on policy and strategy building

Roger Evans

Complex Change Consultant

Roger Evans, in identifying what makes for effective organisational leadership, borne out of over 30 years of global corporate consultancy and ten years of focused research with colleagues, writes:

“In every situation, it was clear to us that where there was some degree of Self- Reflection and Self Awareness there was the potential for quality leadership. Where it was missing then the leader was in trouble and what we observed repeatedly over the years in these cases, was that they failed in the short and medium-term by creating around themselves an environment of dysfunction.”

“Without developing Self Awareness and our ability to reflect upon ourselves and our thoughts, feelings and behaviours we are almost completely focused outside ourselves – we tend to objectify everything outside ourselves – and are thus controlled by the environment around us, by other people and their thoughts and feelings, by the events of business, of family and of society. In the extreme, without the ability to self-reflect we become in effect victims to the world around us. We react rather than proact and we are not aware that we are doing so!”

Roger Evans, 5DL Leadership, uncovering the DNA of Leadership. CLC Publishing, 2019

Evans concluded from his research findings that the following were the 5 key indicators for successful and life-giving leadership:

  • 1DL – Ability to Self-Reflect – Self-awareness
  • 2DL – Awareness of one’s impact on others, understanding their difference and their group dynamics
  • 3DL – The ability to consistently see the whole picture and the dynamics between the ‘part and the whole’. The art of ‘thinking systemically’ and understanding system forces
  • 4DL – Individual freedom (free will) to both make clear decisions and then to drive delivery in the face of resistance “to be blown in the wind, to bend but to stand firm”
  • 5DL – The ability to ask for appropriate help and support – internally and externally to the organisation

‘It is not the same when one or two are present. All five need to be present to a reasonable extent to ensure the transformation of the individual into a high-quality leader. These leaders are characterised by a vision of the future based upon sustainability and values, by sustainability I mean a much longer perspective to development and growth were appropriate than the short term ‘wins’ of today one that includes the environment and their long term impact upon that, they have a deep understanding of themselves and of the people around them, they have compassion and humility, are innately strong and have the ability to repeatedly deliver and make things happen by bringing people with them.’ (Evans, 2019)

If a leader has all 5DLs plus good organisational knowledge and management skills they will consistently:

  • Build organisations that are sustainable, responsible, honest and transparent
  • Repeatedly deliver organisation strategy and goals
  • Build confidence and wake up tired organisations, divisions, teams and individuals
  • Develop talent and build new leaders at all levels quickly and consistently deliver change appropriately

Roger Evans, 5DL Leadership, uncovering the DNA of Leadership. CLC Publishing, 2019

5DL Coaching approach

  • The individual leader is helped become aware of their potential for greatness as a leader as well as the reality of how they act and behave now.
  • This gap between the reality and the potential can be quite big and often is experienced as too hard, too difficult or painful too look at.
  • In this journey of self-awareness, the participant will be encouraged to look a self-belief system and mindsets that keep them stuck or inhibit progress

Bridging the gap

  • The individual leader /team is supported in identifying the next realistic and realisable step – S.M.A.R.T. Goal – that will move them along the continuum from what is now towards their potential.
  • They will be guided to engage with their readiness or willingness for making the necessary change.
  • In this process, they will build resilience through accessing their will and ability to will– like building links in the chain of self-empowerment
  • Evans advises that these growth steps, ‘need to be big enough to be challenging and small enough to be achievable’.