What has the Christian Mandate – to welcome the Stranger as Christ – have to say to our current experiences / policies of displacement

This article explores the phenomenon of displacement in the context of the post-secular age and examines it through the lens of hospitality as modelled in the Benedictine tradition and its ‘receiving’ of the ‘Other’/ the ‘Stranger as Christ, the one who is the stranger.  This article presents a variety of contexts where I argue displacement is present and includes an analysis of current immigration policies and procedures in Ireland.  Habermas proposed the concept of “post-secularism”, to address “the

By |2021-02-24T09:06:05+00:00January 22nd, 2021|Categories: Raidshe 2033|

Implementation Intentions and the Modular Mind

Implementation Intentions and the Modular Mind In the last blog entry, we looked at Implementation Intentions, developed by Professor Peter Gollwitzer in the early 1990s, and how this technique might help our financial wellbeing. It's important to read that post first, as it acts as a necessary introduction to this essay. You can read it here, https://raidhselife.com/financial-wellbeing-and-implementation-intentions/ In this post, we’ll look at a theory of mind that may enhance our thinking about Implementation Intentions and help

By |2021-01-29T19:30:52+00:00January 21st, 2021|Categories: Financial Trading, Denis, Financial Wellbeing|Tags: |

Financial Wellbeing and Implementation Intentions

Financial Wellbeing and Implementation Intentions One of the key drivers of financial wellbeing is an ability to do the right thing at the right time. This sounds extremely obvious – but it’s also extremely difficult to do. How many times have we lost money by simply forgetting to do what we intended to do – what we knew we had to do? We either miss opportunities, or get penalized for not paying some bill or tax on

By |2021-01-29T19:03:25+00:00January 20th, 2021|Categories: Financial Trading, Denis, Financial Wellbeing|Tags: |

Leadership and Symbolic Exchange

Leadership and Symbolic Exchange "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of being." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe As Von Goethe says, leadership is how you treat people, how you affect them. You can choose to do that for the good, or for the bad, but you can’t choose not to do it. We are all leaders. The most outstanding leaders are masters of

By |2021-01-19T21:58:26+00:00January 19th, 2021|Categories: Denis, Symbolic Exchange, Financial Wellbeing|Tags: |
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